Edimax Technology Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual

Page 21

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W ireless L AN AP Configuration

Paramet er Description



There are t wo authentication t ypes:
“Open System” and “Shar ed Key”.
When you s elect “O pen Syst em”,
wireless st ations can ass ociat e with
this acc ess point wit hout WEP
encr yption. When you select “Shared
Key”, you shoul d also set up WEP key
in the “Encr yption” page and wirel ess
stations should use WEP encr ypti on i n
the aut henticati on phase to associate
with this access point. If you selec t
“Auto”, t he wireless client can
associat e with this access point by
using any one of t hese t wo
aut hentication t ypes.


Threshol d

“Fragment Thr eshol d” specifi es t he
maxi mum size of pac ket during the
fragmentation of dat a to be transmit ted.
If you set this value too low, it will res ult
in bad perfor mace.

RTS Threshold

When t he pac ket size is smaller the
RTS threshold, the acc ess point will
not use the RTS/CTS mec hanism to
send this pac ket.

Beac on Int erval

The int er val of ti me t hat this access
point broadcas t a beacon. Beacon is
used to s ynchronize the wirel ess
net wor k.

Data Rate

The “Dat a Rat e” is the rat e t his access
point uses to trans mit dat a pac kets.
The acc ess point will us e t he highest
possible select ed trans mission rate to
transmit the dat a pac kets .


This manual is related to the following products: