Chapter 1 introduction, 1 pac kage contents – Edimax Technology Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual
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C h apt er 1
I nt ro du ct io n
This product is an access poi nt f or IEEE 802.11g/b 2.4GHz
wireless net wor k. You can use t his acc ess point to build up a
wireless LAN.
The pr oduc t supports WEP, ESSID and MAC address filter
functi ons t o c onsolidat e the wireless net work securit y. Wit h
ESSID aut henticati on, 64/128 bit WEP encr yption and MAC
address filtering you can prevent unauthorized wireless
stations from acc essing your wireless net wor k.
The pr oduc t’s dipole ant enna is detachabl e by c onnecti ng to a
RP-SMA connect or. Users can ins tall a high gain ant enna to
the c onnect or for bet ter net wor k link qualit y so that you c an
build wireless net work wit h more flexibilit y.
This product provides eas y to us e us er int erface and allows
users to configuring from web brows er. Als o it integrates
DHCP server to provide multiple wireless and wired users t o
get their I P address automatic ally. Wit h t he versatile of
feat ures, this pr oduc t is t he best choice f or you to integrat e
your wireless and wired net wor k seamlessl y.
1. 1 Packag e Co nt ent s
The Ac c es s P oi nt i nc l ud es t he f ol l o wi ng i t e ms :
y One Access Point
y One Power Adapter
y One Us er’s Manual