4 sec urit y – Edimax Technology Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual
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W ireless L AN AP Configuration
3. 2. 4 Secu r i t y
This Access Point provi des c omplet e wireless LAN sec urity
functi ons, i nclude WEP, IEEE 802.11x, I EEE 802. 11x with
WEP, WPA with pre-shared key and WPA with RADIUS. With
thes e sec urity functions, you c an prevent your wireless LAN
from illegal acc ess. Pleas e make sure your wireless s tati ons
use t he s ame s ecurit y f uncti on.
WEP is an authentication algorithm, which prot ects aut horized
Wireless LAN us ers against eavesdropping. T he
Authentication t ype and WEP key of wireless st ations must be
the s ame with the Acc ess Point. This Acc ess Point s upports
64/ 128- bit WEP Encr ypti on f unc tion. Wit h t his function, your
dat a will be tr ans mitted over the wireless net work secur ely.