2 configuring the access poi nt, 1 stat us and inf ormation 3.2. 2 wireless setting – Edimax Technology Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual

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W ireless L AN AP Configuration

3. 2

C onf ig ur in g th e Access Poi nt

3. 2. 1 St atu s


I nfo r mati on

On t his screen, you c an s ee the general inf ormation of the
Access Point i ncludi ng Alias Name, Firmware Version, ESSID,
Channel Number, St at us, I P Address, MAC Address, etc.

3. 2. 2 W i r el ess S et t i n g

This Access Point supports AP, St ation, Bridge and WDS
modes. “AP Mode” provi des pure access point func tion. The
simplest way t o build up a wireless LAN is to us e “AP Mode”.
“Station Mode” provides t he function to connec t t o ot her AP
without bridge f uncti on. “AP Bridge M ode” provides the
functi on t o bridge more t han 2 wired Et hernet net works
together by wireless LAN. You can us e t wo acc ess points wit h
“AP Bridge-Point to Poi nt mode” t o bridge two wired Ethernet
net wor ks t ogether. If you want t o bridge mor e than t wo wired
Ether net networks toget her, you have t o use enough access
points wit h “AP Bridge-Point

to Multi-Point mode”. An


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