Airmar PB200 User Manual
Page 65

PB200 WeatherStation User Manual revision 1.000
Proprietary and Confidential
Param. DD
Type Resolution
9 Air Temperature
DD043 DF39 uint16 0.01 deg K 0 to 655.32 deg K
Ambient air temperature as measured by the air
temperature sensor within the PB200.
10 Dew Point
DD043 DF39 uint16 0.01 deg K 0 to 655.32 deg K
Dew point temperature, calculated from the
measured air temperature and the relative
humidity. . The PB200 always contains the
value 0xFFFF (Data Not Available) in this field.
Heater Control is a factory enabled option that is not present by default.
The heater may be used in the weather station to prevent the formation of dew or ice on the aluminum plate in the wind channel. If the Heater Mode is set to Automatic, then the
weather station will automatically cycle the heater on and off over time to keep the plate temperature within appropriate limits based on the air temperature (and dew point
temperature, if product has a humidity sensor, PBxxx products do not, LBxxx products do).
Note that when the heater is on, the air temperature sensor within the unit will be heated by the heater and will not provide an accurate indication of outside ambient air
See also the proprietary NMEA 0183 command, $PAMTC,HEATER.
This PGN is transmitted in response to a PGN 126208 Request Group Function message. Fields 1 and 3 must each be fully specified in the request in order for this PGN to be
This PGN does not respond to ISO Requests (PGN 59904).
To change the PG Transmit Option (field 4), use the Command Group Function PGN 126208, specifying the individual fields in PGN 130881 as follows.
PGN 130881
Field Value
135 (decimal)
4 (decimal)
One of the following:
0 = Do not transmit on status change
1 = Transmit on status change
To change the Heater Mode (field 5), use the Command Group Function PGN 126208, specifying the individual fields in PGN 130881 as follows.
PGN 130881
Field Value
135 (decimal)
4 (decimal)