Airmar PB200 User Manual
Page 133

PB200 WeatherStation User Manual revision 1.000
Proprietary and Confidential
For example, a unit programmed with only the factory default settings would provide the
following as a reply to the $PAMTC,EN,Q command:
Keep in mind when enabling sentences that the overall bandwidth of the interface should
not be exceeded. At 4800 baud, only 480 characters can be transmitted in a one second
period of time. If every one of the above sentences were enabled for transmission, their
total number of characters could exceed 800. It is possible to use the $PAMTC,EN
command to overspecify the amount of data transmitted, beyond the bandwidth capacity
of the NMEA output channel. See section 3.1. for further information regarding bus
Example 1:
To disable all sentences for transmission, except transmit compass heading 5
times per second, and save the settings in EEPROM, send the following sequence
of commands to the unit:
Example 2:
To reload the factory defaults for the $PAMTC,EN settings into EEPROM
without affecting other EEPROM settings (such as attitude offsets set with the
$PAMTC,ATTOFF command), send the following sequence of commands to the