Airmar PB200 User Manual
Page 144

PB200 WeatherStation User Manual revision 1.000
Proprietary and Confidential
<17> = “PB200”
string that indicates POST results are for the product
described in this specification.
The various tests performed for the POST function are simple tests to determine if
the hardware is minimally responding to software stimuli. The POST function
should not be regarded as a comprehensive indicator that a given unit is healthy.
In other words, it is possible that a defective unit might still pass the POST
operation. However, the POST can be useful to identify certain types of problems
with the WeatherStation.
Certain models of the WeatherStation may omit some features in the hardware. In
this case, the corresponding fields in the POST sentence will be null (blank)
The Power-On Self Test is performed automatically a few seconds after applying
power to the unit.
See also the transmitted proprietary NMEA 2000® PGN 130944.