Westermo TD-34 User Manual
Page 47
S12 – Escape Prompt Delay (EPD)
S12 defines the maximum period, in fiftieths of a second, allowed between receipt of the last
character of the three escape character sequence from the DTE and sending of the OK result
code to the DTE. If any characters are detected during this time, the OK will not be sent.
Note that sending of the OK result code does not affect entry into command mode.
Range: 0–255 1/50 of a second
Default: 50 (1 second)
S13 – Callback delay time
S13 defines the time between the modem releasing the connection and dialing a stored call-
back number.
Range: 0–255 seconds
Default: 10 (10 seconds)
S14 – General Bit Mapped Options Status
S14 indicates the status of command options.
Default: 138 (8Ah) (10001010b)
Bit 0 This bit is ignored.
Bit 1 Command echo (En)
0 = Disabled (E0)
1 = Enabled (E1) (Default)
Bit 2 Quiet mode (Qn)
0 = Send result codes (Q0) (Default)
1 = Do not send result codes (Q1)
Bit 3 Result codes (Vn)
0 = Numeric (V0)
1 = Verbose (V1) (Default)
Bit 4 Reserved
Bit 5 Tone (T)
0 = Tone (T) (Default)
Bit 6 Password (*Gn)
0 = Disabled (*G0) (Default)
1 = Enabled (*G1)
Bit 7 Originate/Answer
0 = Answer
1 = Originate (Default)