Westermo TD-34 User Manual
Page 23
Dial pause: the modem will pause for a time specified by S8 before dialing the
digits following ”,”.
Return to command state. Added to the end of a dial string, this causes the
modem to return to the command state after it processes the portion of the
dial string preceding the ”;”.This allows the user to issue additional AT com-
mands while remaining off-hook.The additional AT commands may be placed
in the original command line following the ”;” and/or may be entered on sub-
sequent command lines.The modem will enter call progress only after an
additional dial command is issued without the ”;” terminator. Use ”H” to
abort the dial in progress, and go back on-hook.
Toggles calling tone enable/disable: applicable to current dial attempt only.
( )
Ignored: may be used to format the dial string.
Ignored: may be used to format the dial string.
Invalid character: will be ignored.
Ignored: may be used to format the dial string.
Result Codes: Please refer to reference manual
&D – DTR control
This command interprets the ON to OFF transition of the DTR signal from the DTE in
accordance with the parameter supplied.The parameter value, if valid, is written to S21
bits 3 and 4. Also, see S25.
= 0 DTR drop is interpreted according to the setting as
follows: DTR is ignored (assumed ON). Allows opera-
tion with DTEs which do not provide DTR. (Default)
= 1 DTR drop is interpreted according to the setting as
follows: DTR drop is interpreted by the modem as if
the asynchronous escape sequence had been entered.
The modem returns to asynchronous command state
without disconnecting.
= 2 DTR drop is interpreted according to the setting as
follows: DTR drop causes the modem to hang up.
Auto-answer is inhibited.
= 3 DTR drop is interpreted according to the setting as
follows: DTR drop causes the modem to perform a
soft reset as if the Z command were received.The &Y
setting determines which profile is loaded.
Result Codes: OK