S-registers – Westermo TD-34 User Manual
Page 45

8. S-registers
S0 – Number of Rings to Auto-Answer
S0 sets the number of the rings required before the modem automatically answers a call.
Setting this register to zero disables auto-answer mode.
Range: 0–255 rings
Default: 2
S1 – Ring Counter
S1 is incremented each time the modem detects a ring signal on the telephone line.
S1 is cleared if no rings occur over an eight second interval.
Range: 0–255 rings
Default: 0
S2 – Escape Character
S2 holds the decimal value of the ASCII character used as the escape character.
The default value corresponds to an ASCII ’+’. A value over 127 disables the escape process,
i.e., no escape character will be recognized.
Range: 0–255, ASCII decimal
Default: 43 (+)
S3 – Carriage Return Character
S3 sets the command line and result code terminator character.
Range: 0–127, ASCII decimal
Default: 13 (Carriage Return)
S4 – Line Feed Character
S4 sets the character recognized as a line feed.The Line Feed control character is output after
the Carriage Return control character if verbose result codes are used.
Range: 0–127, ASCII decimal
Default: 10 (Line Feed)
S5 – Backspace Character
S5 sets the character recognized as a backspace.The modem will not recognize the Backspace
character if it is set to a value that is greater than 32 ASCII.This character can be used to edit
a command line.When the echo command is enabled, the modem echoes back to the local
DTE the Backspace character, an ASCII space character and a second Backspace character; this
means a total of three characters are transmitted each time the modem processes the
Backspace character.
Range: 0–32, ASCII decimal
Default: 8 (Backspace)