Setup – Watson-Marlow 624Di User Manual
Page 7

Watson-Marlow Bredel E-Manuals[10/07/2012 13:59:15]
Clear tachometer counter
Read tachometer counter
For writing to pump number n display
Clear existing display; followed by:
"Home" cursor; followed by:
nW{text line 1}~{text line 2}@ (@ = terminator)
Notes on control codes
n = pump number set in SETUP. For the command to operate on all networked pumps
simultaneously, use # before the command.
There are 1046 tacho pulses per revolution at the maximum drive speed of 200rpm.
nDOxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx is any integer and is the target dose in tacho pulses.
This can be extended to nDOxxxxxxxx,yyy where yyy is a "kick back" in tacho pulses
with a limit of 255 (about 1 revolution on a 200rpm drive).
A show status command will prompt the 624Di to return a text string of the following
[pump type] [ml/rev] [pumphead] [tube size] [speed] [cw/ccw] [P/N] [pump number]
[tacho count as a single integer] [stopped/running, 0 /1] [! = delimiter]
eg 625Di 0.7 625L 4.8mm 100 CW P/N 1 157810 1 !
All networked pumps with the same n will respond to the same command.
There should be at least 10mS between consecutive commands.
When using the # to address all pumps, ensure that it will not generate a reply, eg
nSS; the result will be unpredictable.
This is a typical short program for pump number 2:
PRINT #1, "2SP220" + CHR$(13)
DELAY (command depends on language being used)
PRINT #1, "2GO" + CHR$(13)
DELAY 5000
PRINT #1, "2ST" + CHR$(13)
ROM - provides user with software identification.
Date/Time - Set during manufacture but can be reset to user requirements.
Beep - Audible signal on/off.
Ramp - Rate of acceleration/deceleration of the pump to/from maximum set speed at the
beginning/end of a dose. 0 setting signifies no acceleration delay to maximum speed, 5
signifies the longest acceleration delay to maximum speed.
Drip - Brief reversal of the motor on dose completion ensures no extra drips of fluid are
dispensed. 0 means no reverse and 5 means maximum reverse.
Baud - Speed of signal transmission. Default setting 9600, range of setting include 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600.
Auxiliary - Monitor the pump dosing or motor state/direction of rotation using 2 high (5V)
/low (0V) auxiliary signals outputted via the pumps 25 pin cage clamp connector. Auxiliary
signals can be used, for example, to command a turntable or conveyor to move when a
dose has been completed.