56k nms option overview, Application example, 56k nms option overview -1 – Verilink DIU 2130 (880-503297-001) Product Manual User Manual
Page 61: Application example -1, Chapter

56K NMS Option Overview
Used with the Verilink ConnecT 56K Data Service Unit (DSU), the
56K NMS Option allows Access Manager 2000 (AM2000) to manage
remote Dedicated 56K circuits. Management features include
alarms based on DDS (
Digital Dataphone Service)
control codes, 56K
circuit-compatible loopbacks, and monitoring of the circuit data.
With the 56K NMS Option you can manage remote Verilink ConnecT
56K DSUs including the following:
Monitor DDS control code information per AT&T TR 62310
Identify and manage alarms on DDS control codes
Send 56K loopback signals and test patterns
Monitor circuit data
The 56K NMS Option is available as an EPROM upgrade or Verilink
download upgrade to an existing DIU 2130 plug-in module. The
resulting plug-in module, designated DIU 2130/DDS, is also
available from the factory.
You can also use AM2000 to install the APA download upgrade kit
for an existing DIU 2130 if you have purchased that configuration
of the 56K NMS Option.
You can also do configuration and testing using a “dumb” terminal
connected to the ASCII interface of the DIU 2130/DDS.
NOTE: The 56K NMS Option is an enhancement to the existing
functionality of the DIU 2130. You can configure each port of
a DIU 2130/DDS for either 56K DDS service or standard FT1
Figure 1 shows an application in which traffic from four remote
routers is networked to a router at an AS2000 central site.