Dds overview – Verilink ConnecT 56K DSU (896-502110-001) Product Manual User Manual

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ConnecT 56K DSU User Manual

DDS Overview

Digital Data Service (DDS) is a nationwide service that allows
interconnection and transport of data at speeds up to 64 kB/s. The local
exchange carriers provide the local loop service to DDS customers and
may provide data for routing Inter-LATA to an interexchange carrier. In
DDS mode the ConnecT 56K DSU supports all DDS service rates
yielding DTE rates of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 (sync or async) 56kbps and
64kbps. An additional rate of 57.6 kbps is available in async mode. At the
service rate of 56k the unit can be configured to run slower DTE rates
(async or sync) over the 56kbps service. Secondary channel operation is
supported at all service rates up to 56K, providing terminal rates of 75,
150, 300, 600, 1200, and 2400 bps. The secondary rates available depend
on the service rate configured.