Chapter 1, Introduction – Tech Source Raptor Drivers for Linux User Manual
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Chapter 1
1.1 Overview
Thank you for purchasing a Tech Source Raptor graphics card
for use with your x86 PC workstation/server. This manual
describes the installation of the Raptor hardware and the Linux
drivers for the Raptor products. The “Raptor Drivers for Linux”
software runs on x86 PC workstations/servers and supports two
classes of Tech Source graphics cards. The I-Class graphics
cards are a line of products that include Raptor 2000, and
Raptor 2500. The T-Class graphics cards are a new line of
Raptor cards based on the latest Tech Source graphics
technology and offer higher performance than their
predecessors. The T-Class cards that are supported on Linux
are Raptor 1100T, Raptor 2100T, Raptor 2500T and Raptor
This manual contains two different software installation chapters
corresponding to the two different classes of graphics cards.
Please be sure to read the chapter corresponding to the
graphics card that you are installing. Read the label on your
Raptor graphics card to determine the model of card that you
have. Alternatively, you can also look at Appendix A and identify
your card based on the drawings and descriptions.
NOTE: For a list of supported Linux versions, please refer to
sections 3.2 and 4.2 of this manual.
All systems vary somewhat, therefore some knowledge of the
features of your system and a basic understanding of UNIX shell
scripting are helpful during the software installation process.
In this manual, the different Raptor models are collectively
referred to as Raptor cards.