Punch recording, Manual punch recording, Automated punch recording – Teac PocketStudio 5 Reference Manual User Manual

Page 31: Setting the in and out points, Rehearsing a punch operation, 6 – advanced options and operations

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6 – Advanced options and operations

TASCAM Pocketstudio 5

Reference Manual



In repeat mode, unlike auto punch rehearsal mode, the
IN point can come after the OUT point.

Remember that it is also possible to loop rehearsal of
auto punch points, allowing you to repeat a difficult
phrase until you get it right.

Press the


key so that it is unlit to turn off the

repeat mode.

You can set the IN and OUT points even while repeat
playback is taking place.

Punch recording

There are two ways of carrying out punch recording,
manual and automatic. In both cases, when you are
playing back the previously recorded track, you lis-
ten to (or monitor) the sounds which have already
been recorded. Adjust the level of what you hear with
the track fader.

When you punch in (start recording), you monitor the
input signal (guitar, vocals, etc.).

When you punch out (stop recording), monitoring
changes back to the off-track monitoring.

Manual punch recording

Manual punch recording is carried out in the follow-
ing way. If a track is armed (its


key is

flashing), simply playback the track, and press the


key at the point you want to start record-



light will stop flashing and

light (as will the


key) as recording starts.

Start recording the correct version of the part.



at the point you want to stop recording.

The Pocketstudio 5 goes from record to playback, the


key will flash for a short time as the

recorded data is written, and the



starts to flash.

Automated punch recording

Although you can use the method above, it is difficult
to press keys on the Pocketstudio 5 when you are
playing an instrument that needs two hands, like a
guitar. Also, automation allows you to rehearse the
punch, so that you punch in and out at the right times,

and don’t overwrite any of the important material
that you’ve recorded before.

There are two important location points that you
must set for punch recording: the IN point and the
OUT point, where you punch in and punch out.

Setting the IN and OUT points

Set these points either “on the fly” while playing
back, while playback is stopped at the appropriate

Simply press the




key at the appropriate

point where you want punching to start or to stop.


Even if you have played just one wrong note, you may
find it very difficult to play just that one note correctly.
The best way of punching in and out is usually to record
a whole phrase, with a little silence before and after it

(if a phrase like this occurs in your song), and to set the
IN and OUT points in that silence.

When you have set the IN and OUT points, they
appear on the display like marks (see “Marks” on
page 29), and they can be edited and deleted in the
same way. They cannot be renamed, though.


Note that you cannot delete the IN and OUT points
while the AUTO PUNCH key is flashing or lit (see below).

Rehearsing a punch operation

When the marks have been set, press the



key, which starts flashing.

Playback goes back to a little (three seconds) before
the IN point.

Arm the track you want to record, and assign an input
to it (“Routing an input to a track” on page 14 of Get-
ting Started
). The


light of the track will
