2 tech support contacts, 3 software downloads, 4 programming the us-428 – Teac US-428 User Manual

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that the US-428 ASIO driver (16 or 24
bit) is selected.

Q. I can hear audio, but I see no
response to the US-428 on screen.
Make sure you’ve got the US-428
selected in the VST Remote menu.
Make sure you’re looking at the correct
BANK of faders on screen.


9.2 Tech Support Contacts

If you’ve got questions on the US-428,
your best source of help is to post them
to our US-428 Online Users’ Forum,
located on our website at

. TASCAM Product

Specialists are on line to field questions,
but don’t be surprised if your question is
answered by another user. The BBS is
also a forum for discussion, comments
and ideas on the US-428. You’ll find
users of a variety of software platforms,
so someone’s likely to be familiar with
your program of choice.

Also, since many of the situations you’re
likely to encounter will be related to the
software you’re using, it’s a good idea to
check not only our website, but the
websites and resources of the software
program’s manufacturer as well.

If you’ve got a hardware or other
problem and need to speak to us, you’ll
find a full list of contacts for TASCAM
worldwide on our website.

9.3 Software Downloads

Since US-428 support is continually
expanding, the chances are good that
by the time you read this there will be
updates available. We strongly
recommend you check back regularly at

for news, driver

updates and other important

9.4 Programming the US-428

The US-428 has been one of
TASCAM’s most popular new products,
and has built up a tremendous base of
users since its release. Many of these
users have helped to “push the
envelope” and create an ever-growing
list of uses for the US-428. And while
programming MIDI controller information
isn’t for everyone, we’ve felt certain
since its release that the development of
new and different applications for the
US-428 is of interest to many users. In
an effort to foster the creative
development of the US-428’s application
base, TASCAM has made the
programming specifications for the US-
428 publicly available. You’ll find basic
information on the US-428’s Control
Protocol on the TASCAM website. It is
also included in the appendices of this