Teac US-224 User Manual
Page 39

Per-channel Control command set
The US-224 includes a set of 4 channel-strip controls and LED's. Each channel-strip includes the
following controls:
a. linear fader for gain control
b. Mute/Solo switch and LED
c. Record-enable
d. Select switch and LED
Three modifier switches affect the channel strip indicators:
a. A momentary NULL switch and LED (to aid the user in matching the fader sliders with the
"virtual" value maintained by the application software). When the application receives a
NULL button-down message, it compares its internal fader values with the most recently-
received physical fader positions for the currently- active bank of eight channels, and
sends out messages which light the REC and SELECT LED's to indicate the direction the
user needs to move each of the faders to agree with the application's virtual fader levels.
When the user releases NULL, the application sends REC and SELECT LED update
messages which will cause them to revert to their "native" function (indicating record and
channel-select status).
b. A REC (record) button which acts as a "shift" key, enabling the track select switches to
affect the record-enable status of the corresponding track in the application software.
c. A MUTE/SOLO mode button, which toggles the function of the mute buttons and
indicators, making them activate a SOLO function on their associated track.
US-224 to Host Commands:
1. FADER_POSITION: BF 4x vv x = [0..3], vv = [0..3F]
a. Button-down: BF 0x 7F
b. Button-up: BF 0x 0 x=[0..3]
a. Button-down: BF 2x 7F
b. Button-up: BF 2x 00 x=[0..3]
a. Button-down: BF 28 7F
b. Button-up: BF 28 00
a. Button-down: BF 29 7F
b. Button-up: BF 29 00
a. Button-down: BF 2A 7F
b. Button-up: BF 2A 00