Glossary – Teac MX-2424 Tutorial User Manual

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A/D Converter (ADC)
This is a hardware device that converts analog voltages into digital information.

A protocol for transferring digital audio agreed to by the Audio Engineering Society and the European

Broadcast Union. AES/EBU connections require 110 Ohm cable.

This acronym (Alesis Digital Audio Technology) refers not only to the ADAT multi-track machine itself, but

also to its recording medium and the optical connection that transmits eight channels of digital audio on a

single fiber optic cable.

This term refers to having specific parameters programmed so that they playback in real-time.

The process of mixing together several tracks and re-recording them onto another track is called


The number of times a waveform completes one round trip per unit of time. The frequency of a waveform

is directly related to what we hear as pitch.

This is short for Input/Output.

This is originally a video term used to describe small changes in the location of a video (such as two or

three frames). Jogging is the process of using a jog wheel to move the digital recorder's play head back

and forth small distances while listening to the audio to find an exact location.

Often used as a generic term to mean an ADAT Optical cable or interface.

Non-Destructive (Destructive)
Non-destructive refers to the act of recording without overwriting previous recordings allowing undo

operations and editing. Destructive is just the opposite, recording new audio permanently replaces

previous audio.

This is the technique of making small adjustments to the placement of an audio region. Nudging can be

used for adjusting the "feel" of a track.

Punch (Punch In/Out)
The word "punch" is often used as short for the two terms, "punch in" and "punch out." This is the process

where recording happens at a precise location, in the midst of an already existing recording. A punch

in/out may be automated or performed manually.

A region is a segment of audio that is part of a larger file and is defined by an EDL (Edit Decision List). A

region can be edited independently of the larger sound file it belongs to.