Akai dd-8 support, Zaxcom deva broadcast wave file support, Editing akai and deva files – Teac MMR-8 v3.0 User Manual
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TASCAM MMR-8/MMP-16 Version 3.0 Owners Manual Update
Akai DD-8 Support
Version 3.0 adds support for the Akai DD-8 digital dubber and other Akai products which use the
identical disk file systems and audio formats. These include the Akai DR-8, DR-16, and DD-1500.
Support is limited to playback of Akai files and export of Akai files to WaveFrame, Pro Tools, and
OMF/SDII formats. Support does not include recording in the Akai format on the MMR-8. To
identify files in the Akai format, the MMR/MMP will show [AK] at the end of any Akai Project or
Track name when these names are displayed in the LCD.
Playback of Projects created on the Akai DD-8 digital disk recorder is now supported on the
MMR-8 and MMP-16. This includes audio and projects created on the original DD-8 format as
well as the newer DD-Plus format using either 16-bit or 24-bit audio files. All files recorded on an
Akai DD-8 will play on the MMR/MMP, with the following exceptions:
1) The Akai DD-8 20-bit recording mode is not supported on the MMR/MMP.
2) The MMR/MMP do not support playback of audio files recorded at 96kHz sample rate.
Akai DD-8 format projects can be exported to WaveFrame, Pro Tools, and OMF/SDII formats on
the MMR-8 and MMP-16. To Export an Akai file to one of these other formats, first press LOAD
TRACK and scroll through the display until it shows the name of the desired Akai file (the end of
the file name will show [AK] when an Akai file is recognized). Then press SHIFT+SLIP (Backup)
to show the Backup Menus. Scroll through the menus and choose either WaveFrame Export, Pro
Tools Export, or OMF Export and use the normal export procedure. The Project file (EDL) and
audio files will be copied to the designated SCSI target device in the format specified. Files can not
be exported from any other format into the Akai format because the MMR/MMP do not currently
support writing the Akai format.
Zaxcom DEVA Broadcast Wave File Support
Version 3.0 supports playback of Projects and audio files created on the Zaxcom DEVA hard disk
recorder. This is a field recorder which records digital audio to an internal hard drive and can
immediately mirror recordings to an external SCSI device such as an Iomega Jaz disk. The
MMR/MMP can read DEVA files which have been recorded as mono sound files in the Broadcast
Wave format to an external SCSI drive formatted as a DOS volume. Only DEVA files recorded in
precisely this way can be read by the MMR/MMP. Polyphonic sound files (stereo or more tracks
interleaved) can not be read, nor can Sound Designer II files recorded to a DOS disk. Projects and
Track Names of files recorded on a DEVA unit will show the designation [DV] at the end of the
name when it is displayed in the MMR/MMP LCD window. Support is also provided for Export of
DEVA files to the WaveFrame, Pro Tools, and OMF/SDII formats.
Editing Akai and DEVA Files
Akai DD-8 and DEVA files can be edited on the MMR/MMP, but all edits are held in RAM
memory only and not written back to the disk. This is because the MMR-8 and MMP-16 do not
write the Akai or DEVA formats. Edits in these formats will not be retained in the Project EDL.