Starting a new take and continuing to record, Manually starting a new take during recording, Automatically starting a new take during recording – Teac DR-680 User Manual

Page 32: Using the limiter, 4 – recording

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(default): Auto mark function off


: After the input level has been below the set

auto rec level for one second or more, when
input higher than the auto rec level is detected
again, a mark is added at that position. Recording
continues in the same take.


: After the input level has been below the set

auto rec level for one second or more, when
input higher than the auto rec level is detected
again, recording continues in a new take. After
pausing because of activation of the silent cut
function, recording restarts in a new take.

5 When you have finished making the settings,

press the


key to return to the Home


6 Press the


key to start recording standby.

Depending on the setting, a mark is added or

a new take is created when recording starts


Starting a new take and continuing

to record

With this unit, the maximum recording file size is 2
GB. If the file size reaches 2 GB while recording, the
unit automatically continues recording in a new take
and stops recording the current take.

Manually starting a new take during


You can manually create a new take during recording
at any time.
Press the


key during recording to create a

new take and continue recording.


When a new take is created, the number at the end of
the take name is increased by one.


If the total number of folders and files would exceed

5000, a new take cannot be created.
If the total number of takes would exceed 1000, a

new take cannot be created.

A new take cannot be created if the recording time is

less than 4 seconds.
If the newly created take would have the same name

as an existing take, the numerical suffix is increased by
one as many times as necessary until a unique name is

Automatically starting a new take during


When recording, if the size of the file reaches one of
the limits listed below, the unit stops recording the
current take and starts recording in a new take without
interrupting the recording.
WAV/BWF: When the file size reaches 2 GB
MP3: When the file size reaches 2 GB or the recording

time reaches 24 hours


If the total number of folders and files would exceed

5000, a new take cannot be created.
If the total number of takes would exceed 1000, a

new take cannot be created.


Recording times are different for the same file size
depending on the file format and recording mode.

Using the limiter

Turn the limiter function ON to make the unit automat-
ically adjust the input level to prevent distortion if the
input level is too loud.
1 When the Home Screen is open, press the



key to open the Functions Screen.

2 Use the


knob to move the cursor and

select the


menu item.

3 Press the



4 Press the


knob to turn the limiter ON or

OFF for all inputs at the same time (default: all

channels off).

Press the 1–6 keys to turn the limiter ON or OFF

for each input independently.

If the limiter has been turned ON for one or

more inputs, the


indicator appears with

a dark background.

4 – Recording