Super Systems 9010 Series User Manual
Page 37

SSi Manual Series 9010 – eSPP Programmer
Page 37
The millivolt inquiry is used to wait for the probe millivolts to reach the value specified in the
atmosphere data.
The options are:
wait: the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe
wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe
wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe.
An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.
opcode immediately following this opcode sets a time limit on the wait.
opcode immediately following this opcode can be used to change the program flow
based on the inquiry results.
This opcode will load an alternate PID set from the controller memory. The temperature data
is the Loop 2 PID, the atmosphere data is the Loop 1 PID, and the option data is the Loop 3 PID. A
value of –1 will disable each Loop PID. 1 – 16 will load the corresponding alternate PID group.
This opcode will set specially configured values in a slave PLC. Registers to be written to
must be described via the Configurator’s Recipe Management Group Opcode Control interface.
The temperature data is the value to write. The atmosphere data is the Write location. This can
Quench SP
Endo SP
Ammonia SP
Methanol SP
Quench Sec
Drain Sec
T.C. Endo SP
T.C. N2 SP
T.C. Time
PLC Quench SP
Quench Type
The options are:
wait: the PV must be within the wait limit specified to continue the recipe
wait up: the PV must be above the lower wait limit to continue the recipe
wait down: the PV must be at or below the upper wait limit to continue the recipe.
Or nothing
The percent output inquiry is used to test the actual percent output of the temperature and/or
atmosphere controller.
The options are:
wait: the PV must be within the wait limit band specified to continue the recipe
wait up: the PV must be at or above the set point to continue the recipe
wait down: the PV must be at or below the set point to continue the recipe.
An explanation of wait, wait up, and wait down options can be found at the end of this chapter.