Super Systems 9010 Series User Manual

Page 29

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SSi Manual Series 9010 – eSPP Programmer

Page 29

This menu option will allow the user to configure the text for the input and output events for the 9010.
Select whether to edit the Input events or the Output Events.

Note – The list of events can take a few

seconds to load

. The screen will refresh after the list has been loaded. There are a total of 7 input

events, and 15 output events. Highlight the event to be changed and click on the Edit button. This action
will display the on-screen keyboard, which will allow the user to modify the event text. To save the
changes to the event text, click on the Save button. Clicking on the Return button will not save any of the
changes made.

Note – Clicking on the Save button will not close the Edit Event Text screen


Compact Database
This menu option will automatically compact the DW9010DB.sdf database. This database will keep track
of all of the alarms, events, recipes, and system events that occur on the 9010. When records are added,
space is reserved in the database table for the maximum amount of characters, regardless of the actual
number of characters in the record. Once the record is added, this space is not released. Instead, it will
still be associated with the record, thereby adding to the total disk space and slowing down the
communication time with the database. Compacting the database will free up this extra space, which will
speed up the amount of time it takes the software to communicate with the database.

Screen Coms
This menu option will allow the user to determine how the Touchscreen will communicate with the 9010
instrument. The settings are based upon the DIP switch settings on the back of the screen. A 3.5” uses
one connection. On a 5.7” screen comm1 = 232 and comm3 = 485. On a 12.1” screen comm1 = 232 and
the port labeled 232/422/485 = 485.
The Media option will be the type of connection the Touchscreen is using to connect to the 9010. The
options are:

COM1 = (232)



COM4 = (485)


If COM1 through COM4 is selected, the user will have to set the Address and the Baud rate as well. If
Ethernet is selected, then user will have to enter the IP address of the 9010 instrument.
The Address option is the slave address of the 9010 instrument for the COM port communications, or the
Ethernet IP address for Ethernet communications. For the COM port communications, the address will
range from 1 to 250. For Ethernet communications, the address must be supplied in a 999.999.999.999
format, or it will not be accepted.
The Baud option is the baud rate for the COM port communications. The options are:












Datalogging Setup