Model 75 control console – Studio Technologies 74 User Manual
Page 6

Model 74/75 User Guide
Issue 2, January 2006
Studio Technologies, Inc.
Page 7
for Surround
Figure 3. Model 75 Control Console Front Panel
Monitor output
channel mute/solo
mode select
Monitor Output
• Speaker system
• Reference level
• Mute all
• Dim
• Rotary level control
Stereo to mono
5.1 to stereo
Model 75 Control Console
The Model 75 Control Console is a com-
pact, self-contained unit designed to be
located at the operator’s position. It allows
fi ngertip control of all monitoring and talk-
back parameters. Numerous LED indica-
tors provide complete status information. A
major strength of the Model 75 is its ability
to confi gure, under software control, many
of the operating parameters. All confi gura-
tion parameters are stored in nonvolatile
memory. The Model 75 Control Console
connects to, and is powered by, the Model
74 Central Controller. The Model 75 gen-
erates MIDI system-exclusive messages
to control the Model 74. Remote-control
signals connected to the Model 74 Central
Controller are routed to the Model 75 via
pins in the 9-pin interconnecting cable.
The Model 75 provides four buttons and
associated LEDs for selection of the sur-
round and stereo sources to be monitored.
While in most cases only one input source
will be monitored at a time, multiple inputs
can be selected for simultaneous monitor-
ing. This allows two, three, or all four of
the inputs to be combined (“summed”).
While there is no independent control of
the input levels, this feature can be useful
for creating rough mixes from the source
signals. It is also a fast, effective means of
making a “seat-of-the-pants” check on the
phase relationship between synchronized
The monitor output levels are controlled
using a large, easy-to-use rotary control.
The “curve” or “taper” of the level control
can be confi gured to match an operator’s
preference. The choices available are true
logarithmic and modifi ed logarithmic. The
level control auto mute all function allows
the monitor output channels to mute auto-
matically whenever the rotary level control
is in its fully counterclockwise (minimum)