Studio Technologies 74 User Manual
Page 36

Model 74/75 User Guide
Issue 2, January 2006
Studio Technologies, Inc.
Page 37
for Surround
Other functions can also cause the dim
function to enable. Depending on how the
Model 75 is confi gured, it may also enable
whenever the talkback function is active.
The remote dim function allows a hard-
wired control signal to enable dim. If dim
is enabled via remote dim, the dim LED
will fl ash.
If the auto dim off function is enabled,
whenever dim is on and the rotary level
control is changed, dim will automatically
return to the off state. However, auto dim
off will not occur if the rotary control is
changed while either the talkback or re-
mote dim functions are active. This en-
sures that the talkback function and the
external equipment controlling the remote
dim input will function appropriately.
Rotary Level Control
The rotary level control is used to manually
adjust the monitor output level. It is active
any time the reference level function is not
active. When the rotary level control is set
to give the same output level as the preset
reference level, the reference level LED
will fl ash.
By default, when the rotary level control is
set to its fully counterclockwise position,
the monitor output channels automatically
mute. This feature is provided for those
users accustomed to having a completely
quiet output when the level control is set
to its minimum position.
A Model 75 confi guration parameter al-
lows the level control’s automatic mute all
function to be disabled. When disabled,
the rotary level control simply adjusts the
monitor output level over its approximately
72 dB of range. When the control is in its
fully counterclockwise position, low level
audio signals can be present on the moni-
tor outputs. This level control operating
mode may be preferable for those users
who do not like the abrupt level change
that occurs when the automatic mute all
function activates. When the automatic
mute all function is disabled, the mute all
button can be used to achieve a full moni-
tor output mute.
The mute/solo mode button and the six
monitor output channel buttons, along with
associated LEDs, work together to provide
excellent operating fl exibility. The mute/
solo mode switch allows the operator to
select between mute and solo functions.
Going from mute mode to solo mode, or
vice-versa, clears all active mutes or solos.
Pressing the mode switch twice is a legiti-
mate means of quickly clearing muted or
soloed channels.
In the mute mode, multiple channels can
be muted simultaneously. A channel that
is muted has its associated LED turned on.
The solo mode can operate in one of two
ways: additive or exclusive. How solo op-
erates follows the confi guration set in the
Model 75 Control Console. In additive solo
mode, multiple channels can be soloed si-
multaneously. A channel that is soloed has
its associated LED fl ash on and off, while
the LEDs on the non-soloed channels are
not lit.
As expected, in the exclusive solo mode
pressing a channel button will cause that
channel to be soloed. But, in addition, any
other channel or channels being soloed
will go back to their normal, non-solo
condition. Thus the exclusive solo mode
allows rapid “soloing” of individual chan-
nels. Should more than one channel need
to be simultaneously soloed, simply push