Model 35 talent amplifi er, Downmix – Studio Technologies 74 User Manual
Page 38

Model 74/75 User Guide
Issue 2, January 2006
Studio Technologies, Inc.
Page 39
for Surround
for a pair of headphones connected to a
Model 35 Talent Amplifi er is adjusted using
the Model 35’s level control. A headphone
cue system connected to the Model 74’s
line-level cue output must have its own
level controls.
Remote Controls
Four hard-wired remote control signals
can be connected to the system and con-
fi gured for the desired operating charac-
teristics: mute all, dim, talkback, and input
select. In addition, an infrared (IR) receiver
can be connected to allow wireless activa-
tion of the talkback function.
When remote mute all is activated the
LED on the Model 75 associated with mute
all will fl ash. If mute all was already ac-
tive when the remote mute all function is
activated, the LED will change from being
steadily lit to fl ashing.
When remote dim is activated the LED on
the Model 75 associated with the dim func-
tion will fl ash. If dim was already active
when remote dim is activated, the LED will
change from being steadily lit to fl ashing.
When remote talkback is activated, either
via a hard-wired connection or an infrared
(IR) signal, the LED on the Model 75 asso-
ciated with the talkback function will fl ash.
If dim was already active when remote
talkback is activated, the LED will change
from being steadily lit to fl ashing.
When remote input select is activated, the
LED on the Model 75 associated with the
selected input will fl ash. If the function is
set for exclusive, no other LEDs will be
lit. If the function is set for non-exclusive,
the LED associated with remote input
select will fl ash, while the LEDs associated
with any other active inputs will remain
steadily lit.
Model 35 Talent Amplifi er
Up to four Model 35 Talent Amplifi ers can
be connected to a Model 74. The power
present LED on each Model 35 should be
lit whenever it’s connected to a powered-
up Model 74. The user is provided with a
rotary level control, stereo/mono button,
and two ¼-inch 3-conductor (stereo) head-
phone jacks. One or two pairs of head-
phones with a total impedance of 75 ohms
or greater can be connected. Adjust the
control to achieve the desired output level.
To highlight, the headphone output level is
only adjusted using the Model 35’s rotary
control; there are no headphone level ad-
justments available on the Model 75. Using
the button the output can be selected for
stereo or mono. When selected for mono,
the left and right channels are combined
(summed) and routed to both the left and
right outputs.
Warning: Protect your ears! The
Model 35 Talent Amplifi er is capable
of driving headphones to extremely
high sound pressure levels. Hearing
experts advise against continuous
extended play, especially at high
Technical Notes
The downmix functions are implemented
in the Model 74 Central Controller’s hard-
ware using analog circuitry. From the fac-
tory 5.1 to stereo downmix is defi ned as:
center dropped in level by 6 dB and routed
to left and right; left surround dropped in
level by 3 dB and routed to left; right sur-
round dropped in level by 3 dB and routed