Installation – SoundTraxx Tsunami Installation User Manual
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Tsunami Installation Guide
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Tsunami Installation Guide
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SoundTraxx currently offers four sizes of snap-together speaker baffle kits
for use with SoundTraxx speakers. P.N. 810107 is designed for use with
a 3/8” round speaker, P.N. 810108 fits a 1/2” round speaker, P.N. 810109
accommodates a 3/4” round speaker and our P.N. 810110 is perfect for a 1”
round speaker.
If you wish to fabricate your own, a speaker enclosure need not be fancy and
can be built from sheet styrene, bass wood, and even cardboard in a pinch!
A 35mm film canister usually produces excellent results, as does a pill bottle
or the cardboard tube center of a roll of paper towels.
Figure 7 - Other Types of Speaker Enclosures
The Figure 7 illustrates some home-made speaker baffles. With a little
creativity, you’ll be surprised at how many baffles you can create from sheet
styrene or from items just laying around the house or workbench.
Choosing the Right Speaker
While each and every SoundTraxx sound decoder is packed with awesome
digital sound, the reality is that without a good speaker, you won’t hear that
great sound. The table on the following page should help you choose the
best possible speaker to match to your particular installation.
In general, a larger speaker will provide better sound; therefore, try to choose
the largest possible speaker for your installation. Once you have determined
what physical space is available, look at the chart below to determine which
speakers will fit. Remember to consider the size of the speaker baffle as well.
If you have more than one choice available, look at the frequency response
of the speaker and choose the one with the lower number.
Using Tsunami with Multiple Speakers
In most cases, one speaker properly installed and baffled will provide more than
enough volume for the average model. In cases where size constraints may
make it desirable to use multiple smaller speakers instead of one, care should
be taken to observe the following:
Tsunami’s amplifier is designed to drive an 8 ohm load. If you choose to use
Home-made Baffle from Sheet Styrene
Baffle Fabricated from Bottle Cap