Smithy GN1300 User Manual
Page 98

If you have an older Granite model, the end of the lead screw may not be drilled
and tapped. This is a very simple process. You will need a 5/16 x 24 tap, a 17/64 or a “I”
drill bit, and an electric hand drill. Set up your machine on the slow speed pulley, full RPM,
with leadscrew turning counter clockwise as viewed from the right end and the gearbox
set on 1 and “I”. By having the leadscrew turning as well as the drill, the drill bit will
center itself and go straight down the center of the lead screw. Drill the hole about 5/8
inch deep. Tap the hole with the 5/16 tap. Do not forget to use oil when drilling and
12: Troubleshooting
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