Smithy GN1300 User Manual

Page 48

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• Another section that is not as wide and is not keyed to the shaft. It is held in

place on the shaft via a locking nut and can be repositioned as desired.

The narrow section can be offset from the wide section to give the effect of a gear with

thicker teeth. This in turn will give a tighter tooth-to-tooth fit between the feed shaft gear

and the rack on the spindle.

Adjustments are made on the split gear from up inside the mill head casting. This is

accessible from under the mill head between the quill and the support column. Follow the

procedure below to make these adjustments.

Step 1: Look into the millhead casting and locate the items shown in the drawing 5.26.

Step 2: Turn the feed shaft with the coarse feed handwheel until the locking tab of the

locking washer is accessible. Lock the quill in that position with the quill lock lever on the

rear of the millhead.

Step 3: Bend the locking tab straight and use a small punch to loosen the spanner nut

just enough to be able to rotate the adjustable gear with the same punch and small ham-


Step 4: With the quill still locked in position, have someone turn the coarse feed

handwheel clockwise until it removes any backlash. Then have them

hold the handle

in this position until the completion of step 6

. This will move the bottom part of the

wide fixed gear to the left as viewed from below.

Step 5: Using the punch and small hammer, tap the narrow movable gear toward the

right. This will make the gear assembly appear to have thicker teeth.

Step 6: Tighten the spanner nut with the punch and hammer.

Figure 5.26 Adjusting the quill gear to the quill rack

5: Preparing Your Machine For Operation


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Figure 5.27 Adjusting the quill gear to the quill rack