Sierra Video Pro XL Series 8 User Manual
Page 59

VAR1: Modify or query single-dimensional array variables
Action From
Query Response
Router (same as Modify)
Modify is Protected:
Report Changes:
The “G VAR1“ command is used to change or query single-dimensional array variables that
control specific features of the router. The variable being affected is specified using its name and
an array index that varies from a minimum value (typically 0 or 1) to some maximum value, and
only one such variable at a time can be targeted by this command. The features being controlled
are typically options that allow the user to control special hardware or software enhancements as
a function of router level, input number, or output number, although the array variable is general-
purpose in nature and will be used whenever a single-dimensional array is appropriate.
The Modify command has three or more arguments, the name of the array variable to be
changed, the index within the array of the variable to be changed, and the new value of that
variable. Most variables have only a single value associated with them, but it is possible for a
variable to be multi-valued, in which case the number of
The Query command has the name and index of the array variable whose value is to be queried
as its two arguments.
The Query Response command has the same argument structure as the Modify command.
Each different router may support different single-dimensional array variables. The supported
single-dimensional array variables may grow over time, as enhancements are added to this
protocol, so command parsers should generally ignore unknown variable names and out-of-range
index values. The routers themselves will ignore any command that is received with an unknown
variable name, an index that is out of range, or an invalid variable value. Use the “G VAR1QRY”
command to find out which single-dimensional array variables a particular router actually
supports, and what the valid index range is. Refer to documentation for each router for a
description of the variables.
A variable value is typically an unsigned decimal number, but may also be a signed decimal
number. The “G VAR1QRY” command can be used to determine the allowed range of values.
For example, to query for the value of the fifth element of an array variable named
The response command (or a command to set the variable to this value) might be:
** G VAR1,SYNC_SOURCE,5,3~ !!
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