T”: trigger a salvo, P”: preset a salvo – Sierra Video Pro XL Series 8 User Manual

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** Y1,5 D200 D100 Y1,6 S !!

says that input 5 is to be connected to output 1 on all levels, then a delay of 300 (=200+100) sync
intervals is to occur, then input 6 is to be connected to output 1 on all levels, then a status
response is to be returned.

It is generally recommended that the host computer be responsible for timing the initiation of
commands, rather than using this command to do the job. The host computer can simply send
the appropriate commands at the appropriate times. The "P" and "T" commands described below
can aid in ensuring that lengthy connect sequences aren't delayed due to the time it takes to send
them to the router.

“T”: Trigger a Salvo

The command "T" is used to trigger a previously set up salvo (set using the "P" command above).
It must be followed by a register letter from A to Z or a register number from 1 to 256 giving the

to be triggered.

For example, the command:

** TB D180 TC !!

says to trigger salvo register B (same as 2), delay 180 sync intervals, then trigger salvo register C
(same as 3). When the register is triggered, this means that the connect commands stored in it
take effect.

If a salvo is triggered and it attempts to connect a locked output or port, or a disallowed
input/output pair, or a port to itself, the salvo trigger operation is aborted, no crosspoint changes
are performed, and an error is reported: “ERROR Salvo Has Locked Xpts”.

“P”: Preset a Salvo

The command "P" is used to set up a salvo, which is a series of connect commands for later
execution with the "T" command. It must be followed by a register letter from A to Z or a register
number from 1 to 256 giving the register into which the connect sequence is to be stored,
followed by zero or more connect commands (V, W, X, Y, or Z), followed by a "~" (tilde)

Registers A-Z are the same registers as 1-26. The letter designators are allowed to shorten up
the command sequence slightly, so that “T” commands can be sent in compact form if one of the
first 26 registers is used.

For example, the command:

** PB X2,5,0 Z7 ~ !!

says that two connect commands (output 2 to input 5 AFV, and output 1 to input 7 AFV) are to be
stored into salvo register B (i.e. register 2). Another example:

** P239 Y5,7 ~ !!

says that one connect command (output 5 to input 7 AFV) is to be stored in salvo register 239.