Sierra Video Pro XL Series 8 User Manual

Page 37

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Control via 9-pin Connectors

The 9-pin connectors allow you to control the routing switcher via an external computer. On some
switcher models, the serial port can be changed internally for RS422 configuration (RS232 is
factory configuration).

Each routing switcher model has one port and it is labeled on the back panel as “RS232/422
Control” (refer also to the illustrations of back panels shown in Chapter 1):

Connection to the RS-232/422 port is made using a standard 9 pin (pin to pin) cable.

Conversion to RS-422:

To convert the RS-232 serial control to RS-422, remove top cover of router. Locate the processor
board on the rear of the front panel. The jumpers are located in approximately the center of the
processor PCB.The jumpers are labeled JP1, JP2, and JP3.

Jumper positions are as follows:

Pro Series 12 & 8 Switchers



1 2 3



1 2 3

Control via Ethernet

The matrix switches may be controlled via Ethernet using the Host Protocol. To control to the
matrix switcher establish a TCP/IP connection to the IP addresses of the routing matrix using port
number 10001. A communications program such as Hyper Access can be used to establish this
connection. Once the connection is established, sending the command **!! should cause the
routing matrix to return ** OK !!. This connection supports the entire Sierra Video Host protocol
command set.