Sierra Video Pro XL Series 8 User Manual
Page 54

already-locked output, or unlock an already-unlocked output, has no effect on the lock state of
that output.
Whenever a take is done, the router checks to see if the specified output for the take has been
locked. If so, the current password of the control port that sent the take request (as set with the
“K” command) is compared to the outputís lock password. If they match, the take is allowed, but if
not, the take has no effect. The administrator password may NOT be used in lieu of the outputís
lock password to do a take,
so if a controlling device sends the administrator password in a “K”
command, that will not permit the device to reroute locked outputs (but it can use the
administrator password to unlock locked outputs using the “B” command).
Output lockouts apply on all levels. On virtual-mapped routers, a level may be left out of a lockout
by making sure the level is unmapped for the destination being locked.
As with all router configuration parameters, the output lockout data is stored in non-volatile
storage and thus is retained across router power-ups. When a router is first initialized at the
factory, all outputs are set to be unlocked.
This command provides the same functionality as the “G OUTPUT_LOCK” command. This
command, which was added at router software version V5.06, is preferred over that command.
Note that the output lock version number is not present in this command. Since output lock status
changes frequently, it is not really useful to cache output lock status for outputs, so the output
lock version number is not really useful.
For example, to request whether or not output 21 is locked:
** B21,0,0 !!
The response might be:
** B21,0,0 OK !!
indicating that output 21 is NOT locked. Or, the response might be:
** B21,6741,1 OK !!
indicating that output 21 is locked with password 6741. To clear this lockout:
** B21,6741,0 !!
To lock output 96 using password 439:
** B96,439,1 !!
If successful, the response would be:
** B96,439,1 OK !!
If output 122 becomes locked using password 235, the following change report would be sent by
the router:
** B122,235,1 !!
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