RJS Inspector D4000 Auto Optic (FIRMWARE version A.06 and Later) User Manual
Page 69

’s Guide
Appendix K
RJS, Minneapolis, MN
Bar code
A group of parallel bars and spaces constituting
characters that are machine and human readable
(the code numbers while readable must still be inter-
preted). See bar code symbol
Bar code Reader
A device used to identify and decode a bar code
Bar code symbol
An array of rectangular bars and spaces which are
arranged in a predetermined pattern following specif-
ic rules to represent elements of data that are re-
ferred to as characters. A bar code symbol typically
contains a leading quiet zone, start character, data
character(s) including a check character (if any), stop
character and a trailing quiet zone.
Bar Height
The bar dimension perpendicular to the element
width. The measurement of the long dimension of a
bar element. (Also called bar length)
Bar Width
The lateral dimension of a bar; bar thickness.
Bar Width Ratio
The ratio of the widest bar or space to the narrowest.
Bar Reflectance (Rb)
The smallest reflectance value in a bar.
Bi-directional Code
A bar code that can be read left to right or right to