Std 128 format warning, Gs1-128 format warning – RJS Inspector D4000 Auto Optic (FIRMWARE version A.06 and Later) User Manual
Page 60
Appendix E
’s Guide
RJS, Minneapolis, MN
GS1-128 Symbology Specification
When a Code 128 symbol is decoded AND the first
character after the Start character is FNC1 then the
symbol must follow the GS1-128 format and the verifier
must have the following Code 128 sub-specifications
Decode C128 as
When a Code 128 symbol is decoded with the Code 128
sub-specifications setting of Std 128 but the first charac-
ter after the Start character is a FNC1 then the following
error will be displayed:
Std 128
Format Warning
When a Code 128 symbol is decoded with the Code 128
sub-specifications setting of GS1-128 and the first
character after the Start character is not a FNC1 then
the following error will be displayed:
Format Warning
The Inspector D4000 Auto Optic will ONLY check the
FNC1 and the GTIN Check Digit but it will not test the
Application Identifiers or bar code maximum length.
The D4000 Laser is required to check the full
GS1-128 data content.