Quantum Composers LDDC 1550 User Manual
Page 13

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P a g e
Save/Recall Settings Page
S a v e / R e c a l l
S t o r a g e B i n : 1
S a v e / R e c a l l : R c l
E x e c u t e : < o r >
The Save/Recall page allows you to store all the setup and general settings into storage “bins” or
locations. These are saved in non-volitale memory for recall at later times. The last stored bin
number will be the one recalled when the unit is powered back on. NOTE: whenever a bin is
recalled, the unit will be taken out of enabled and active mode along with reducing the set
current to zero. This is for safety reasons in case the recalled parameters are incorrect for the type
of driver or laser diode.
Line 1: Indication of Save/Recall page. No function.
Line 2: Storage Bin. This selects the desired storage bin for recalling from or saving to. There are
5 storage locations from 1-5 to select from. All calibration and system settings will be recalled or
stored to the selected bin number.
Line 3: Save/Recall. This selects the action to perform, either a save or recall.
Line 4: Execute. This will execute the action or either recalling or saving to the selected storage
bin. Pressing either the left (<) or right (>) arrow buttons will initiate a save or recall action.
Information Page
Q u a n t u m C o m p o s e r s
M o d e l : 1 5 5 0
F i r m w a r e : 0 . 1 9
S e r i a l # : 1 2 3 4
The information page displays general information about the LDDC/LSC unit.
Line 1 & 2: Company information.
Line 3: Model number of the LDDC/LSC.
Line 4: Firmware version number.