Quantum Composers QC 9500 User Manual
Dependent timing events using the qc 9500

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Test & Measurement • Electro-Optics • Timing • Lasers • Micromachining
Dependent Timing Events using the QC 9500
The QC 9500 pulse generators allows the channel dependency to be defined
individually, allowing the user to optimize the pulse generator setup for the test being
performed. This application note describes the advantages of recognizing the event
dependencies and defining the channel dependency to match the real situation.
QC Family
9512, 9514, 9518
A process that consists of a series of triggered events often consists of sets of events
with different dependencies. Event 2 starts the process. Event 2 and 3 might control a
device in which event 3 must be optimized and fixed relative to event 2.
When optimizing the timing between event 1 and event 2, the timing between event 2
and 3 should not be changed.
This could be followed by an additional device controlled by three trigger signals (events
4, 5 & 6) which all must remain locked relative to each other. When optimizing the timing
between device 1 and device 2, the relative timing of events 4, 5 & 6 should remain
For example, strobe photography requires that the strobe lamp be synced to the shutter.
The timing is fixed by how fast the shutter opens vs. the time it takes to generate light
from the strobe lamp. If one were taking a picture of a bullet exiting a falling apple there
would be four triggered events: release of the apple; firing the bullet; opening the
shutter; and, firing the strobe lamp. The timing from the release of the apple to the firing
of the bullet would vary depending on the height of the apple and the speed/distance of
the bullet.
The timing from the release of the apple to the opening of the shutter to capture the
apple centered on picture would vary depending on the height of the apple. Whatever
delay is needed between releasing the apple and opening the shutter, the delay
between opening the shutter and firing the strobe lamp would not change. In addition,
the firing of the bullet is dependent on the release of the apple but independent of the
opening of the shutter. Ideally, a pulse generator could be set up so that when changing
the shutter timing the strobe lamp timing changes as well to keep the relative timing the
same. Changing the bullet timing should not affect the shutter timing.