Quantum Composers LDDC 1550 User Manual
Page 12
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P a g e
This setup page also allows you to set a maximum pulsed rate if the driver or diode has a
limitaion on the frequency of the pulsed rate. These values can be stored for later recall in the
save/recall page.
Line 1: Driver Selection. This allows you to select various types of Lumina Power drivers. Once
a driver has been selected, various features and functions may be enabled or disabled depending
on that models capability. If you are using a model not listed, select the “Custom” option.
Line 2: C Voltage. This is the compliance voltage calibration setting. Each driver can have a
specific compliance voltage that is part of the model number. The measured compliance voltage
on the main page is based off this value. If your supply provides a direct one to one output of the
compliance voltage, then the compliance voltage calibration can be reduced to zero or set to a
value of 10. When set to zero, you will see a “Direct” indication on the display.
Line 3: Maximum I. This is the maximum current (in amps) output of the driver connected to the
controller. This depends on the driver model and wattage. The current setting on the main page is
based on this maximum value. You will also see a warning screen when the controller is first
powered up verifying this setting.
Line 4: Max Rate. The maximum repetition rate (in Hz) when in continuous or burst mode. This
should be set to whatever the driver maximum pulsed repetition rate is. The active rate cannot be
adjusted higher than this value.
System Setup Page #2
S e t u p # 2
T e m p F a u l t : E n
I n t l k C n t r l : E n
P u l s e E n a b l e : O n
The system setup page #2 allows you to setup interlock default states and whether or not the
LDDC/LSC should allow pulsing of the driver. Please refer to the diode driver data sheet for the
specific interlock options and whether or not it supports pulsed modes. These values can be
stored for later recall in the save/recall page.
Line 1: Indication of System Setup #2 page. No function.
Line 2: Temp Fault bypass. This will allow you to bypass the over temperature fault input on pin
11. Options are either En (enable) or Byp (Bypass). Not all drivers have the temperature fault
indication so this allows that input to be ignored.
Line 3: Intlk Cntrl. Interlock control bypass. This will allow you to bypass the manual operation
of the interlock control on the Status Information Page. When set to Byp (bypass), the interlock
will automatically be enabled on power up. The default setting is En (enabled). When enabled,
you must manually operate the interlock control on the Status Information Page.
Line 4: Pulse Enable. This setting will turn on or off the pulsing capability of the controller.
Since not all drivers can be pulsed or utilize a pulse control signal, this function can be enabled
or disabled. The default is on. Once the pulse control has been disabled, the only mode available
on the Pulse Mode Page will be CW. Once the pulse control has been disabled, the enable
control signal will be activated (high) when the controller is first enabled and then started by
pressing the start button.