Quantum Composers LDDC 1550 User Manual

Page 11

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Gate Active Low. The unit will start running as long as a low level (0V) is present on at

the external trigge input.

Line 4: Sync Ouptut. The sync output is a TTL signal that can be synchronized to the pulse
control signal, q-sw trigger or a combination of both. See specifications section for details on
timing. Modes are:

Disable. Sync signal not active.
Pulse Control. Will follow the pulse control signal state.
Q-SW Control. Will follow the q-sw trigger signal state.
Pulse/Q-Sw. Will follow the rising edge of the pulse control and end on the rising edge of

the q-sw control.

Interlock Status Information Page

S t a t u s : D i s a b l e d

I n t e r l o c k : O p e n

C r o w b a r : O p e n

O v e r T e m p : O K

The status information page will display the general system status, the crowbar status and the
over termperature status. It also allows you to adjust the external interlock control.

Line 1: Status. Stautus information screen. This is the same information as described on the Main
Line 2: Interlock. This is an interlock control output to the driver. When set to On, the interlock
on the driver is satisfied. This means that the output of the connection pin 3 is pulled to ground
which will satisfy the supply interlock input. When set to Off, it is open. See System Setup #2
page if you wish to have this interlock control satisfied by default. You must satisfy the power
supply interlock input in order to enable the ouput current control.
Line 3: Crowbar. This is the Crowbar Status from the diode driver (Pin #2). When a no load
condition is detected, the driver shorts the outputs. This will indicate if this is shorted or ok to
run. Not all diode drivers will have this status.
Line 4: Over Temp. This is the over-temperature indicator read from pin 11. When an over
temperature condition is sensed, the fault indication will be set. If the supply does not have an
overtemperature signal, this can be bypassed by changing the settings on System Setup #2 page.

System Setup Page #1

D r i v e r : C u s t o m
C V o l t a g e : 1 0 . 0

M a x i m u m I : 0 1 0
M a x R a t e : 0 0 0 1 0 0

The first system setup page allows you to select the type of driver you have and adjust the
expected compliance voltage and current ranges from the driver the LDDC/LSC is controlling.
Please refer to your specific diode driver data sheet for these values.

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