Alternate channel & starfire™ frequencies, Figure 49: lbm alternate channel, Figure 50: lbm frequency & channel status – NavCom StarUtil Rev.E User Manual
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STARUTIL User Guide Rev. E
Alternate Channel & StarFire™ Frequencies
Figure 50 allows the end use to assign an alternate StarFire™ frequency for reception of StarFire™
corrections via the LBM. Its main use is to force a unit to start using a particular frequency so that it
does not have to go through the frequency table to search for the StarFire™ signal. This is useful
during periods of routine maintenance on the StarFire™ Network. Once the Alternate Channel value
has been entered, the user has the option whether or not to actually use the Alternate Channel.
Figure 50: LBM Alternate Channel
Figure 51 allows the end user to view information about the StarFire™ signal and channel being
used. The “Last” field contains date and time information pertaining to the most recent update of
the information in this window. The SF Channel Number is relevant to just which channel the
receiver is using for StarFire™ corrections. This channel number is uniquely associated with a
particular Inmarsat satellite; thus in the illustration of Figure 51 channel 41090 is being tracked by
the receiver. Table 2 details the frequency values you should see in the SF Channel Number field
and the Inmarsat satellite associated with that particular number.
Figure 51: LBM Frequency & Channel Status
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