Figure 16: vertical antenna bias – NavCom StarUtil Rev.E User Manual
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STARUTIL User Guide Rev. E
the receiver will transition from a 2D [3 satellite] to a 3D [4 satellite] navigation mode automatically,
and use the user selected choice of a manually entered height or the last valid computed height
measurement recorded to achieve a 3D navigation state.
The Unit Port Configuration button will bring up the window displayed in Figure 4. The operation of
this window is described in detail in the Establishing Communications section of this manual.
The Antenna Setup button will bring up the window shown in Figure 16. This feature allows you to
enter antenna specific adjustments.
Figure 16: Vertical Antenna Bias
After entering the Antenna Bias information, you are given the option of whether or not to apply the
biases to the measurements by pressing the Yes/No button adjacent to “Use Antenna Bias”.
In a small number of instances, there may be a requirement where the RTCM phase corrections are
received in an “inverted” state. StarUtil will correct the sign of the corrections automatically so they
may be applied without prejudice. This will be accomplished if the Invert button (see Figure 15)
adjacent to RTCM 18 Phase is set to Inverted.
The Site ID field (see Figure 15) defaults to 0, which indicates that the receiver will accept RTK
corrections from any base receiver that is transmitting. In order to use the RTK corrections from a
specific base receiver, the Site ID field in the base and rover must be the same value. The RTCM Site
ID works in similar fashion for dGPS.
Max dGPS Age and Max RTK age is a user input integer that relates to the maximum amount of
time in seconds the received correction will be used in case of an outage or drop in the reception of
corrections from the base.
The “Require dGPS for Solution” button allows the user to determine whether or not a position
solution will be output using dGPS as a caveat. This feature is useful when only dGPS corrected
position solutions are desired. The default position is set to No which indicates that all computed
position solutions will be output whether differentially corrected or not.
The Navigation Mode section is where the user will Use/Ignore a specific type of dGPS correction
data if available, while the RTK Correction Format section is where the user will Use/Ignore the type
of RTK corrections that will be applied to the navigation solution.
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