Capture and storage, Recording captures, Manual capture mode – Metric Halo SpectraFoo User Manual

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10. Capture and Storage

Recording Captures

SpectraFoo provides the ability to record selections of audio into the computer’s RAM and perform incredibly
detailed non-real–time analysis. All captures are referenced to the timecode of the source material. Captures
may be initiated manually or can be triggered automatically, either with a level–based trigger or a time–based
trigger. The start and stop times for the most recent recording are retained and can be used to record material
that occurs at the same time with respect to the external timecode source. You can use this to grab multiple
aligned tracks of audio or to record the same audio with different types of processing. All recording is controlled
and initiated with the Capture Control Window, found in the Window menu. There are three basic capture
modes that you may use, each with a different user interface. All three modes have several controls in common:

• You may switch capture modes via the Mode pop-up menu.
• The Avail. Time field shows how much audio may be stored in RAM.
• If the 24 bit box is checked, the capture will be recorded at 24 bits. Otherwise, it will be 16 bit.
• The Stop and Record buttons control the capture mechanism.

The capture modes are:

1. Manual: Use manual mode to record on the fly. Click the record button to start recording and click

it again to stop recording.

Figure 10.1: Manual Capture Mode

2. Level-based auto–punch: Use level-based auto–punch to start and stop recording based on the volume

of the audio being monitored. This is great for capturing individual drum beats or for capturing entire
songs. A specific example of the usefulness of level-based captures is when you are trying to determine
the optimal placement of microphones on a drum kit. When coupled with the Auto Arm feature, lev-
el–based punches can be used to capture individual drum beats in a hands–free way, allowing you to
devote your attention to placing the mic, while still benefiting from SpectraFoo’s analysis.