Spectragraph snap button, 34 3.26. the spectral snapshots dialog – Metric Halo SpectraFoo User Manual

Page 34

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Figure 3.25: Spectragraph Snap Button

2. Click the Snap button on the left side of the Spectragraph.The Spectral Snapshots dialog will appear

Figure 3.26: The Spectral Snapshots dialog

3. Name the snapshots. The Spectral Snapshots dialog has two name fields, one for each trace set of the

Spectragraph.The first trace set is composed of the three traces associated with the first input channel.
The second trace set is composed of the three traces associated with the data created by the Second
Trace Mode
. Thus, if the Second Trace Mode is Channel 2, the second trace set is composed of the
three traces associated with the second input channel.

4. Select the traces you want to save using the checkboxes. If you select a checkbox for a trace which

is not currently active in the Spectragraph, the trace will be saved anyway. For example, if you take a
snapshot of an instantaneous trace but decide that you really want a snapshot of the average also, just
select the Average Trace checkbox in the Spectral Snapshots dialog. The average trace will be saved as
a snapshot using the averaging parameters that are currently set in the Spectragraph controls window.
If you want to take a snapshot of only one channel, make sure that the snapshot checkboxes for the
channel you want to discard are left unchecked.

5. Type any comments you might have about the snapshot into the comments field.
6. Click OK. The snapshots will be created and the Spectral Snapshots List window will appear: