MacroSystem PIP-Studio User Manual

Page 41

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can still have the PIP’s parameters vary over
the entire fade-time. So, for instance, you
could make a fade-in occur while the PIP
remains stationary in one position. If there
are more than two waypoints in the path and
two consecutive waypoints are in the same
position, the first will have no time value
associated with it, i.e. it will be skipped.

12.) Delete: Clicking on the Delete button
causes the currently active waypoint to be
deleted thus making the previous waypoint

13.) Position: If you click on the Position
button, the active waypoint turns blue and
can be repositioned using the trackball.
While you are moving it you will see its posi-
tion coordinates at the edge of the screen.
You can confirm the new position by pressing
the left trackball button. The right trackball
button cancels the operation. As an alterna-
tive to the Position button, you can also
move a waypoint by clicking on an active
waypoint once or by clicking on an inactive
waypoint twice. This action has the same
effect as clicking on Position.

If you want to position the waypoint outside
the video picture, you will automatically be
presented with a display showing the avail-
able area located outside the visible area as
soon as you move the point off the screen.
For further details, please read the Position
description for the main screen.

We will now once more explain the meaning
of the different waypoint colors:

yellow: an inactive point with no special
characteristics of its own. When you click on
it, it turns green (active)

red: an inactive point for which settings were
configured manually under Edit (i.e. for which
at least one tick mark was set manually – in
other words, no interpolation). If you click on
it, it turns green (active)

green: the currently active point. The Posi-
tion/Edit/Delete functions have an effect on
this point. If you click on it, it turns blue

blue: this point can be moved. After it has
been repositioned and clicked it turns green

14.) Edit: If you click on Edit, the Waypoint
Parameters window appears in which you
can configure the size and alpha value for the
active waypoint.

If you click on Size, the window is closed and
the PIP becomes active so you can change
its size. You will see the size displayed at the
edge of the screen. Clicking on Alpha acti-
vates the control next to it. You can then use
the control to adjust the PIP’s transparency
value to between 0 and 100%.

15.) This is where you see the slider control.
If it is completely grey this means that there
is currently only one waypoint. If the slider
can be clicked and moved then there are
several waypoints in your video footage that
you can activate. Using the separate buttons
located on the right of the slider control, you
can precisely select one waypoint after an-

If the Size and Alpha buttons are blocked
(grey and inactive), you can click on the
yellow boxes beside them to change the
dash mark to a tick mark. (Buttons will be
blocked if you have set intermediate points
whose sizes and alpha values are rendered
automatically using the starting and finishing
points. The tick marks for the first and last
points cannot be deactivated since values
have to be entered there or else interpolation
will not be possible.)

If you can see a tick mark, the value that is
set to the left of the tick mark will be used at
this waypoint. If, on the other hand, a dash
mark is set, the corresponding value will be
interpolated based on the values of the