5) circling scenes within the video footage – MacroSystem PIP-Studio User Manual

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5) Circling scenes within the
video footage

For this tutorial select two scenes that are
each 6 seconds long. (We’ve decided to use
two randomly selected scenes and we rec-
ommend that you do the same for the time
being so all you have to do in this tutorial is
simply apply our suggested settings.)

Insert your two scenes into the storyboard,
then switch to the Transition Effects screen
and place the effect between the two scenes.
Then set the effect length to span the whole
time period – in this case 6 seconds.

Once you’ve launched the program, you
should again make sure that the toolbar’s
Single function is set to PIP.

For Shape, select a Circle, set the size to
200 x 164 and position the scene in the top
left corner at the coordinates of 128, 116.

Set the Blur of the Border to 20% and the
Size to 0 (the color setting therefore be-
comes irrelevant). Then proceed to the
Shadow settings and set the Distance to 0,
thus making the other settings in the Shadow
menu also irrelevant.

Once you’ve finished configuring these set-
tings and have closed the Shadow menu,
click on the Effect button.

In this window, first activate the IN button, set
the fade-time to 2 seconds and then click on
the Edit Effect button. You now see a new
toolbar at the bottom edge of the screen and
the Effect window is no longer displayed.