6) moving scenes in various sizes – MacroSystem PIP-Studio User Manual
Page 31

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6) Moving scenes in various
In this tutorial you will once more be making
a moving scene circle in front of a back-
ground. Though this time we will be showing
you some additional features.
Choose two scenes, each should be 5 sec-
onds long.
Insert them into the storyboard, switch to the
Transition Effects screen and place the effect
between the two scenes. Then set the effect
length to span the whole time period – in this
case 5 seconds.
Once you’ve launched the program, select
the Single function for PIP in the toolbar.
First of all, proceed to the settings that you
are already familiar with and select a Rect-
angle for the Shape. Skip the size settings in
this tutorial and deal with the positioning a
little later. First, configure the border and
shadow parameters. Now that you have had
a little practice using this program, you can
choose the settings in this tutorial yourself.
Give it a try!
Once you have configured these settings,
click on the Position button. You can now
position your rectangular PIP. Move it to the
top left corner and off the screen. You will
notice the display change as soon as one of
the coordinates becomes less than or equal
to 0.
The outermost edge of the screen still con-
tains your background video but it is now
superimposed with a gray surface. The outer
area of this surface is light grey and repre-
sents the invisible area of the screen. The
inner rectangle is dark grey and represents
the visible screen area, i.e. your background
video. The blue-colored rectangle is your
PIP. By the way, in this display your PIP is
always shown as a rectangle regardless of
what shape you have actually chosen for it.
This display therefore allows you to see
where you have positioned your PIP in the
video footage.
In this tutorial exercise, position it at the
coordinates 0, 0 and then confirm your set-
ting. (Since the coordinates always refer to
the center of the PIP, this setting will cause
the bottom right quarter of the PIP to be
displayed in front of the background video.)
Now click on Effect, activate the IN button,
set Custom under Effect, set the fade-time to
2 seconds and then click on the Edit Effect
button. You will see the corresponding