JLCooper eBOX User Manual
Page 9

eBOX Client Mode
When the eBOX is set to client mode, it actively attempts to
connect to another eBOX in server mode. The IP address and TCP
port of the eBOX is set by DIP switches 1, 2 and 3.
Note: The eBOX must be power cycled to switch to this mode.
GPI to Serial Conversion
When the eBOX is in GPI to Serial Conversion Mode, it converts
GPI inputs into serial messages out to the four serial ports. The IP
address of the eBOX is set by DIP switches 1, 2 and 3 plus one.
The TCP port is fixed at 8000. The GPI Programmer Software
allows you to edit and upload the commands that are sent when
GPI inputs are triggered.
When the eBOX operates as a GPI to Serial Converter, it will send
to the to Serial Port A status requests on a periodic basis. Replies
from the deck will be used to establish the state of some of the GPI
Output pins, acting as tally lines. Refer to the section regarding
GPI Outputs in GPI Conversion Modes later in this manual.
Note: The eBOX must be power cycled to switch to this mode.
GPI to Ethernet Conversion
When the eBOX is in GPI to Ethernet Conversion Mode, it
converts GPI inputs into Ethernet messages specifically for Doremi
V1 and MCS video servers. The IP address of the eBOX is set by
DIP switches 1, 2 and 3 plus one. The TCP port is fixed at 8000.
The eBOX GPI Programmer Software allows you to edit and
upload the commands that are sent when GPI inputs are triggered.
When the eBOX operates as a GPI to Ethernet Converter, it will
send to the Doremi server status requests on a periodic basis.
Replies from the server will be used to establish the state of some
of the GPI Output pins, acting as tally lines. Refer to the section
regarding GPI Outputs in GPI Conversion Modes.
Note: The eBOX must be power cycled to switch to this mode.