JLCooper eBOX User Manual
Page 24

Serial Ports Parity / Type
Enables or disables parity and sets parity type of the individual
serial ports.
GPI Pins
These are the pins on the GPI Input connector.
These are the commands that are sent when the GPI input is
triggered. The command can be triggered on either transition
which is set by the invert checkbox described below. Each byte
must be a two digit hexadecimal number.
Normally messages are triggered when a GPI input pin is shorted
to ground. Checking this box allows the messages to be triggered
when a GPI input pin is opened or is driven to +5 volts.
Send to Ports
This allows you to specify which serial port(s) the commands are
Send to eBOX
Clicking this button downloads all the parameters to the eBOX.
During the download, the eBOX will momentarily stop responding
to GPI inputs. This is normal. The serial messages and serial port
routings will be effective immediately. However, changes to the
IP settings and serial port settings take effect after a power cycle.