Ivoclar Vivadent IPS e.max CAD Chairside User Manual

Page 46

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Can machined IPS e.max CAD restorations in
the pre-crystallized (blue) state be
completely finished and then just crystallized
and glazed?

Milled IPS e.max CAD restorations should be care-
fully tried in and finished in their pre-crystallized
(“blue”) state. In the blue state, special attention
must be paid to the restoration margins. The
margins should be created in relation to the
preparation and the thickness of the restoration.

Do IPS e.max CAD restorations shrink during

No. During the crystallization process, the micro-
structure becomes transformed and a densifica-
tion of 0.2 % takes place. The CAD software
takes the densification factor into account.
Therefore, the milled IPS e.max CAD restorations
demonstrate precision of fit after crystallization.
No further manual adjustments are necessary.

Why does the auxiliary firing paste
IPS Object Fix Putty or Flow have to be used
during the crystallization process?

The auxiliary firing paste ideally supports
IPS e.max CAD restorations during crystallization,
which ensures that the restorations demonstrate
optimum accuracy of fit.

Can firing pastes other than
IPS Object Fix Putty or Flow be used in the
crystallization process?

IPS Object Fix Putty and Flow has been specially
developed for the crystallization of IPS e.max CAD
restorations. The expansion behaviour has been
optimally coordinated with IPS e.max CAD. In
other words, the consistency before and after the
crystallization allows the paste to be easily applied
and cleanly removed. Given their composition,
pastes of other manufacturers may cause damage
to IPS e.max CAD. Furthermore, easy removal may
not always be possible.

How can the restoration be filled with
IPS Object Fix Putty?

IPS Object Fix Putty can be filled into the inner
aspect of the restoration with the help of a plastic
spatula (e.g. OptraSculpt). Alternatively, a small
amount of IPS Object Fix Putty may be rolled
between the fingers and then pressed into the
restoration. IPS Object Fix Putty excess which is
forced out when the IPS e.max CAD Crystallization
Pin is pressed into the putty can also be adapted
with a plastic spatula or the fingers. Always make
sure, however, that the outer surface of the resto-
ration is not contaminated with IPS Object Fix.

How are contaminations with IPS Object Fix
Putty or Flow on the outer surface of the
restorations best removed before

A brush, a cotton swab or a microbrush
dampened with water can be used for cleaning.
It must be made sure that any residue has been
removed before Shades, Stains or Glaze are
applied in order to prevent the residue from being
burned in.

How can a premature drying of the
IPS Object Fix Putty or Flow in the syringe be

In order to avoid a premature loss of moisture of
the firing pastes, remove the syringe from the
aluminium bag only directly before initial use.
Close the syringe immediately after usage. If the
syringe is not used for a longer period of time, it
can be stored in a resealable plastic bag together
with a moist paper tissue.