Ivoclar Vivadent IPS e.max ZirPress User Manual
Page 69
Which IPS e.max ZirLiner should be used on
shaded zirconium oxide frameworks?
For shaded zirconium oxide frameworks, use the
IPS e.max ZirLiner clear. The transparent character
of the IPS e.max Ceram ZirLiner does not affect
the framework shade. An outstanding bond as
well as lifelike fluorescence is achieved.
Can IPS e.max ZirPress be pressed onto
zirconium oxide frameworks without the
application of IPS e.max ZirLiner?
A suitably shaded IPS e.max Ceram ZirLiner must
always be applied before waxing up. The
IPS e.max Ceram ZirLiner generates an out-
standing bond and gives the restoration an effect
of depth.
Why is the IPS e.max Ceram ZirLiner powder
green and how should it be applied?
Since zirconium oxide is white and, therefore,
shows a poor contrast to tooth-coloured and/or
white powders, the IPS e.max Ceram ZirLiner was
given an identification colour to render its applica-
tion more simple and efficient. The IPS e.max
Ceram ZirLiner consists of a very fine powder and
appears somewhat thick due to the dense packing
of the grains. Make sure that the material is
applied in an even, greenish coat. If the colour
appears too pale, the layer is too thin. After firing,
the ZirLiner should exhibit a layer thickness of
approx. 0.1 mm.
How thick should be wax-up be?
The wax-up should be at least 0.7 mm thick all
over. If the wax-up is not at least this thick, the
restoration may not be completely covered with
the pressed ceramic and deviations in the shade
may occur.
Can IPS e.max ZirPress also be pressed onto
inlay-retained bridge frameworks?
IPS e.max ZirPress HT ingots can be pressed onto
zirconium oxide inlay-retained bridges. In the
creation of the zirconium oxide framework, the
minimum thickness of the connectors and the
inlays (min. 0.5 mm) must be observed. All the
areas at the preparation margins should be
fabricated with IPS e.max ZirPress rather than
zirconium oxide ceramic, since the press ceramic
can be etched. This allows a sound bond between
the press ceramic, the luting composite and the
prepared tooth.
Can IPS e.max ZirPress also be pressed onto
the IPS Empress CosmoPost root canal post?
IPS e.max ZirPress ingots can be pressed onto
IPS Empress CosmoPost root canal posts.
An excellent bond is achieved. Because of the
large selection of IPS e.max ZirPress ingots, very
natural-looking restorations can be fabricated.
Can IPS e.max ZirPress be pressed onto glass-
ceramic frameworks made of IPS e.max Press
or IPS e.max CAD, for example?
IPS e.max ZirPress can only be pressed onto
zirconium oxide materials. The press temperature
of 900–910 °C (1652–1670 °F) is too high for
glass-ceramic frameworks.
Consequently, they would become deformed
during the press procedure.
What is the purpose of the IPS e.max Ceram
IPS e.max Ceram ZirLiners are translucent. Their
three major purposes are as follows:
1. They enable a strong, homogeneous bond
between the zirconium oxide framework and
IPS e.max ZirPress.
2. They provide the white, unshaded zirconium
oxide frameworks with chroma and in-depth
effect and a shaded character without
increasing their opacity.
3. They also provide the non-fluorescent
zirconium oxide framework with a natural
fluorescence, thus enabling the fabrication of
lifelike restorations.