7 system start-up procedure – Delta MCS-1800 User Manual

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DELTA MCS-1800 3U Power Shelf

Installation, Operations and

Maintenance Manual


7 System Start-Up Procedure

7.1 Initial Start-Up Preparation


Verify all connections prior to starting this section.


Confirm the operating voltage before proceeding.


Ensure that the AC line is properly grounded.


Ensure the battery DC circuit breaker is switched to the “OFF” position


Ensure the PSU breaker is switched to the “OFF” position.

7.2 No Load Start-Up

The system can be started up without a load. To start up the system, perform the following steps:

1. Switch all DC distribution circuit breakers to the “OFF” position and/or remove all the fuses. If there is

the PDU in the system.

2. Verify that the battery is not connected to the system battery bus or ensure the battery switch in the “OFF”


3. Check the ALU for alarm and status conditions.

7.3 Basic Functional Verification

After system start-up, basic functional verification should proceed as follows:

1. Check the ALU status and alarm LEDs.

2. Compare the rectifier DC voltage readings at the ALU with the output voltage of each rectifier by using

digital multimeter (measure at the V+ and V– points located on the front of each rectifier).

3. The “FUSE ALM” LED on the panel light because the battery breaker is switched to “OFF”.

7.4 DC Load Connections

1. Connect the positive load wires to the Load +.

2. Connect the negative load cable to the Load -.

Please refer to section 5 DC Distribution.

7.5 System Functionality Check

Control and supervisory functional testing can be performed at the ALU after the basic functional testing

is completed and the DC load is connected.

7.5.1 System Status and Alarms

Check the status of the equipment by viewing the ALU alarm and status LEDs.

7.6 System Operation

Upon completion of the system functional testing, the system is operational.